
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)

The Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) is very proud of its active Parent Involvement Committee (PIC). To learn about the responsibilities of the PIC, its mission, vision and members, please visit the RCDSB's Parent Involvement Committee page.  

The RCDSB Parent Involvement Committee is a committed group of parents, educators, and community members who strive to enhance parent engagement across Renfrew County.  One of the PIC's goals is to help parents support their child's learning at home and at school.

Any parent with a student in RCDSB is invited to join our meetings and become a committee member.

The RCDSB Parent Involvement Committee holds two annual events. The "Achieving as One" Symposium is typically held in the fall and features inspirational speakers, workshops and displays presented by parents, board personnel, and community associations. Childcare and lunch are provided free of charge. We do our best to eliminate any barriers that might prevent parents from attending. In the spring, the RCDSB Parent Involvement Committee hosts an "Assembly of School Councils" which brings together Board members, school administration teams, and School Council members, and parents to share best practices and allow networking.

It is our goal that the RCDSB Parent Involvement Committee is guided by the perspectives of all elementary and secondary schools in our Board.